Owner: Cal Crispí Adress: Nou del Pont, 5, 43364 Prades Contact: Tel. +34 689 022410 e-mail: calcrispi@calcrispi.com website: www.calcrispi.com CIF: 39902966J [[text extracted from «General booking and contracting conditions»] Bookings for stays of up to 5 nights will be guaranteed by the advance of one night per room or by credit card. Bookings made for 6 or more nights will be guaranteed by a charge of 25% of the total amount of the stay Cancellation of bookings before 7 days of the date of arrival will not result any charge and the full amount of the guarantee deposit will be returned. Cancellation of bookings between 7 days and 48 hours of the date of arrival will result in a charge corresponding to one night or 25% of the total of the stay, according to the duration of the booked stay. In the case of long stays, the confirmation deposit will not be returned. Cancellation of bookings up to 48 hours prior to the date of arrival will result in a charge of 100% of the total amount of the stay. To cancel a booking, we will attend to you on +34 689 022410 or on the e-mail calcrispi@calcrispi.com
(+34) 689 022410 Nou de Pont, 5 - 43364 Prades calcrispi@calcrispi.com
Pet Friendly (càrrec 10 €/nit) Esmorzar sense gluten, vegetarià… amb avís previ Bressol sense càrrec Complements de bany Cuina equipada de cortesia (compartida)
Free Wi-Fi
Allotjament rural Casa de poble Inscrita en el Registre de Turisme de Catalunya núm. PT00193
Destinació de Turisme familiar
© 2019 Cal Crispí Tots els drets reservats
Cal Crispí > Cancellation policy
(+34) 689 022410 Nou de Pont, 5 - 43364 Prades calcrispi@calcrispi.com