Owner: Cal Crispí Adress: Nou del Pont, 5, 43364 Prades Contact: Tel. +34 689 022410 e-mail: calcrispi@calcrispi.com website: www.calcrispi.com CIF: 39902966J 1. Introduction The purpose of this document is to regulate the GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF BUSINESS of CAL CRISPÍ’ online booking services. The details of the company that owns the brand appear at the top of the document. The terms ‘You’ and ‘User’ are used here to refer to all individuals who for any reason access www.salleshotels.com (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Website’) or use the services provided on the site. By using these services, the user is fully and unreservedly accepting the validity of all of the General Terms and Conditions of Business included in the latest updated version of these General Terms and Conditions. As a Customer, you declare that you are of legal age and have sufficient legal capacity to be bound by CAL CRISPÍ’ General Terms and Conditions of Business. CAL CRISPÍ informs you that the procedures to obtain the services offered are those described in these General Terms and Conditions of Business, as well as any specific terms that are indicated on the screen during browsing, and, consequently, you declare that you understand and accept that such procedures are necessary for obtaining the services offered on the Website. 2. Use of CAL CRISPÍ’ online booking service 2.1. Online Booking Service 2.1.1. Online Booking Service: The purpose of this online service is to enable the booking of rooms in any of the hotels of Cal Crispí. By using these services, the user is fully and unreservedly accepting the validity of all of the general terms and conditions included in the latest updated version of these general terms and conditions. 2.1.2. Booking procedure: When using this service, the user will receive a confirmation email containing a booking reference number. This email serves as proof of booking and confirmation of acceptance. Check the voucher and confirmation to ensure that there are no misunderstandings. In the event of incorrect information or any unacceptable terms, contact us within 2 days of the confirmation. 2.1.3. Guarantee and cancellation policy: Bookings for stays of up to 5 nights will be guaranteed by the advance of one night per room or by credit card. Bookings made for 6 or more nights will be guaranteed by a charge of 25% of the total amount of the stay Guarantee and cancellation. Cancellation of bookings before 7 days of the date of arrival will not result any charge and the full amount of the guarantee deposit will be returned. Cancellation of bookings between 7 days and 48 hours of the date of arrival will result in a charge corresponding to one night or 25% of the total of the stay, according to the duration of the booked stay. In the case of long stays, the confirmation deposit will not be returned. Cancellation of bookings up to 48 hours prior to the date of arrival will result in a charge of 100% of the total amount of the stay. To cancel a booking, we will attend to you on +34 616 319802 or on the e-mail calcrispi@calcrispi.com 2.1.4. Prices per room and night. The prices shown on our website are per room and night with breakfast included. They also include VAT. 2.2. Use of services. The user undertakes to use all services in accordance with the law, morality, good practice, public order and the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions of Business. Users may not, therefore, use the services for any purpose that is illegal and/or contrary to these General Terms and Conditions of Business, harmful to the rights and/or interests of third parties or damaging to the services, CAL CRISPÍ and/or its image. 2.3. System variability. CAL CRISPÍ may, for greater flexibility and the benefit of users, unilaterally amend the services provided or the operating, technical and service usage conditions, at any time and without prior notice, by publishing these changes on this Website so that they can be made known to and accepted again by Customers. Similarly, in order to help improve the service and establish an optimum level of quality, which is CAL CRISPÍ’ ultimate aim, users may suggest any amendments that they deem appropriate by contacting those responsible for the page through the email address calcrispi@calcrispi.com 2.5 Twin rooms / double rooms. As hotels usually have many more rooms with two beds than with a double bed, it is occasionally possible for guests to be assigned a twin room even though the booking is for a double room. If it is essential for the bed to be a double, we request that you inform us of this and we will make sure that the hotel receives this information. In many destinations and hotels, the double rooms have two single beds that can be pushed together to make a double bed. 2.6 Bookings of ten or more people are group bookings. Discounts are usually available and the hotel may apply certain terms that will be made clear at the time of booking. Group bookings may not be divided into several smaller bookings. The hotel’s payment and cancellation terms for group bookings will be confirmed with each group booking request. 2.7 Arrival and departure times. The arrival time is 2pm to 4pm at the latest. The obligatory departure time is 12 noon at the latest. Whenever possible, CAL CRISPÍ will be flexible in this regard, without any charge. 2.10 Discounts for children. Children under the age of two can stay free of charge in a cot unless otherwise indicated at the time of booking. Children aged under 18. Cal Crispí must be informed of children aged under 18 travelling alone (or with friends of a similar age) before booking, and the hotel’s approval is required before confirmation. If the hotel is not notified in advance, it may refuse to accommodate children aged under 18 who appear without an accompanying adult. 2.11 In the unlikely event that the hotel is unable to provide the accommodation booked, the customer accepts that the responsibility of the hotel is limited to finding similar accommodation and offering appropriate transportation to that new hotel. Cal Crispí takes all necessary precautions to ensure that this does not occur so it is very rare. The Customer also accepts that notification in advance of hotel changes cannot be ensured. The hotel will accept no liability for any expense, loss or damage resulting from or related to relocation, since it has no control over such situations. If the Customer rejects a satisfactory alternative, it will be at his own risk. If the customer is not satisfied with any aspect of the new hotel, he MUST immediately inform the management of the establishment and give it the opportunity to correct the situation from the beginning. 3. Protection of the personal data of users by CAL CRISPÍ. In compliance with the provisions of Article 5 of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December concerning the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter referred to as the ‘LOPD’), CAL CRISPÍ informs you that the personal data that you provided us by completing an electronic registration form on our Website, as well as any data that CAL CRISPÍ accesses as a result of browsing, consulting, requesting or contracting any service or product, or related to any transaction or operation carried out through the CAL CRISPÍ Website, will be collected in a file owned by Cal Crispí, at whose registered office you may exercise your rights of access, correction, deletion and objection in relation to the processing of your personal data, under the terms and conditions provided for in the LOPD itself. Failure to complete the required fields that appear on any electronic registration form may result in CAL CRISPÍ not being able to respond to your request. The purposes of the collection of personal data are those that are specifically indicated on each of the pages where the electronic registration form appears. In general, the personal data provided will be used to respond to enquiries and to provide information about new activities and special offers for the products and services of CAL CRISPÍ. In this regard, your personal data may be segmented and processed to create market profiles for advertising purposes. In accordance with the provisions of Articles 11 and 34.e) of the LOPD, you expressly consent to your data being communicated, for the aforementioned purposes, by CAL CRISPÍ to Group companies and to any country in the world, even those that do not offer a level of protection comparable to that of the LOPD. By accepting the provisions of this legal notice, you are considered to have been informed of the provisions of Article 27 of the LOPD regarding communication of the first transfer of data. Consent for the communication of personal data can be revoked at any time, although it will not have retroactive effects. If you have indicated your willingness to receive information via email when completing your information on the corresponding form, you also consent to us sending you commercial communications electronically in accordance with the Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services Act. In the event that you provide us with the personal data of third parties, in compliance with the provisions of Article 5.4. of the LOPD, you declare that you have previously informed those persons of the content of the data provided, its origin, the existence and purpose of the file containing their data, the recipients of the information, the possibility of exercising the rights of access, correction, deletion and objection and the identification information of CAL CRISPÍ, under the terms and conditions established here. CAL CRISPÍ undertakes to process your personal data in an absolutely confidential manner, using it exclusively for the purposes indicated. CAL CRISPÍ informs you that it has implemented the necessary technical and organisational security measures to guarantee the security of your personal data and prevent alteration, loss and unauthorised processing and/or access, in view of the state of the technology, the nature of the data provided and the risks to which it is exposed, whether they arise from human action or from the physical or natural environment. All in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of the LOPD and Royal Decree 994/1999 of 11 June, which approves the Regulation concerning security measures for automated files containing personal data. 4. Right to amend the General Terms and Conditions of Business CAL CRISPÍ reserves the right to amend unilaterally and without notice any of the matters included in these General Terms and Conditions of Business in the manner that it deems appropriate, informing users of the amendments made through the Website so that they can be made known to and accepted again by the users. 5. Safeguarding the General Terms and Conditions of Business. If any of the stipulations of these General Terms and Conditions of Business were to be declared null and void, the other General Terms and Conditions will remain in force under the agreed terms. No stipulation in this contract in any way affects mandatory provisions regarding consumers. If you are not a consumer, you expressly waive your right of withdrawal. 6. www.calcrispi.com and acceptance of the rules of use By using these online booking services, the user is consciously, fully and unreservedly accepting all of the clauses of the Website’s Rules of Use in the version published by CAL CRISPÍ at the very moment that the user contracts the service. These rules of use complement the General Terms and Conditions in all matters that are not contrary to them. The user must, therefore, be aware of the importance of consulting the rules on this page prior to accessing and/or using these services. These terms and conditions will be governed by Spanish law, which will also be applicable for any eventualities that are not provided for in terms of interpretation, validity and execution. CAL CRISPÍ and the User expressly waive the right of recourse to any other jurisdiction and agree to be bound by the rulings of the Law Courts serving the area in which CAL CRISPÍ is located in the event of any dispute arising from the provision of the services covered by these General Terms and Conditions. 7. Applicable law and competent jurisdiction These Rules of Use are governed by Spanish Law. For the resolution of any dispute that may arise with respect to validity, execution, fulfilment or total or partial cancellation, Cal Crispí and the users expressly waive any other jurisdiction which may be applicable to them and agree to be subject to the competence of the Law Courts of Tarragona. This contract constitutes the full and complete expression of the agreement between Cal Crispí and the user, and replaces all previous written and oral agreements, commitments, statements or declarations that may have existed between them.
Cal Crispí > General terms and contitions of booking
(+34) 689 022410 Nou de Pont, 5 - 43364 Prades calcrispi@calcrispi.com
(+34) 689 022410 Nou de Pont, 5 - 43364 Prades calcrispi@calcrispi.com
© 2019 Cal Crispí All rights reserved
Allotjament rural Casa de poble Inscrita en el Registre de Turisme de Catalunya núm. PT00193
Destinació de Turisme familiar
Pet Friendly (10 €/night) Breakfast without gluten, vegetarian ... free of charge with a prior notice Cot free of charge Bathroom amenities Complimentary equipped kitchen (shared)
Free Wi-Fi